Now I have an open and healthy attitude to sex and other people’s sexuality, I’m not gay myself but I have known/worked with people who were either gay /lesbian and have never felt like my masculinity was being threatened.
Eventually I did find the image I was looking for, it was more in the vein of artistic nudes and I adopted this image of a nude male in a reclining pose as it had the qualities and depth of tone I was looking for. But all this got me thinking about the other images I saw of nude males and how it made me feel.
I’ll be quite honest, I can look at either of these photographs and admire them for what they are, two lovely women in the midst of an orgasmic climax.

However, when I look at this picture the only thoughts that entered my mind was of it as being tasteless, crass and demeaning towards us men.
It’s quite amusing that a man can look at an image ofa gay man and feel that they have been demeaned. One up for the feminists I say!
The question in my mind was that given the common factors between these images being that both of them depicted male and females either naked or performing some sexual act. I could look at the pictures of females and feel quite alright about it, as well as looking at male nudes and males engaged in masturbation. But as soon as I looked at the pictures of males engaged in sexual activity I felt uncomfortable.
I concluded that it was not the images that made me uncomfortable but my perceptions of the images and what they depicted as I viewed them. Ultimately I believe it comes down to the human mind and how it interprets and perceives the images. I have a theory that the minds of men and women are "wired" differently at a low level in such a way that they can both look at the same thing and yet see different things.
Put simply straight guys can’t look at images of gay sex without feeling uncomfortable. Whereas gays & lesbians see their equivalent of normal male heterosexual pornography.